This is my last, Thinkboard for Term 2. I have absolutely no idea how to work out volume but I tell you that I gave it my best.
Monday, 29 June 2015
Volume Thinkboard for W11
This is my last, Thinkboard for Term 2. I have absolutely no idea how to work out volume but I tell you that I gave it my best.
Wednesday, 24 June 2015
My letter to Mr Burt for the seal of approval.
Dear Mr Burt 22/6/15
Kia Ora Mr Burt my name is Alexis and I am a proud student of the year 7 and 8 block at Point England School. I am writing to get your seal of approval for what I have been doing for inquiry these past 3 weeks.
On the first week that we started this inquiry project we had to walk around the school and look at problems and try to figure out solutions.
Our first stop was the outside bays of the senior area. I scanned around to see what kind of things needed attention… I was looking and looking and looking then it hit me. Lucy’s pencil hit me in the back. But after that I found a great idea, and this is what this letter is about. Here is my idea to make the year 7 and 8 block better...
...Benches for the outside bays! You know benches to sit on, to relax and maybe just sit with your friends. Since there are no benches in the outside bays around the year 7 and 8 block I thought that it may be time for there to be some, well one.
I have started on getting my materials with my dad to start creating my bench, I am in a group on my own but my dad is very much supporting me and helping me build my bench. Well I’m not really on my own, my dad is in my group.
I have planned that I will make a real bench that can go outside my classroom. Although there is one little bump in the road, I will not be able to make 5 benches for all of the classrooms I will only be able to make one for room 2.
Now that I have told you what my idea is I would like to ask you if I would be allowed to put the bench on the wall side by room 2. The side by the door next to the sink. Also if it would be alright if I could concrete it down to the ground so that it won’t get stolen or taken. If you have another way to make it stay on the ground instead of concrete send me a email so that I can get that sorted. I was just thinking concrete because then the bench would be able to stick to the ground firmly. I would love to make benches for the other classes but I only have enough materials and money to make one.
I would love to have your seal of approval so that then room 2 will be able to have a bench of their own.
P.S. If you do not know who I am I was the girl that saved your coffee today and let the ball hit my back. I am also Dominique H's little big sister.
Kind Regards, Alexis H
Up the Pipe Presentation
Up the pipe is about a man who tests sludge and tries to find out if it is harmful to the environment. He also makes environmentally friendly products that can help the environment.
Monday, 22 June 2015
Tuesday, 16 June 2015
Future Thinkers List
List of School Technology in our school
- Chromebooks
- Ipads
- Projectors
- Printers
- T.V. (Mrs Telea’s room, other classes. )
- Apple Computers
- Speakers
- Remotes
State what we would use without this
- Books
- Paper
- Pens
- Pencils
Instead of publishing our work in a Google Doc, we could do it on a piece of paper. Instead of typing we can write with pens and pencils. If we need to look something up we would have to use BOOKS!!! :-(
Monday, 15 June 2015
Tuesday, 9 June 2015
Monday, 8 June 2015
A trip around town! ( Well a trip around school.)
A trip around town. (Friday Recount)
In the morning it was freezing cold, I wanted to get on with the day. RING! The bell rang. Everyone rushed into the street. We did our morning mihi, karakia and notices for the day. Then the other bell rang, we all got up and headed for the hall for morning assembly.
After the assembly everyone left the hall and went back to their classes.
My class went to the mat. Miss Tito took the roll and told us what we would be doing for the morning.
First we had to find a partner. My partner was Lucy, the work that we did was on my chromebook. We had to make a table in a doc. 6 across, 15 down. We had to write in the top boxes. She said that we had to put these words into them...
I really had no idea what we were doing. Until Miss Tito said that we were going to be lining up outside, then I was a real eager beaver to get out and about around the school grounds. I really wanted to go around the school because the last time I got a chance to go around the school was back when there was a playground around by the year 5 and 6 block, and there wasn’t as much construction going on around the school.
We got into two rows next to our partners, almost as if we were on a bus. We headed off around the school searching for problems and trying to come up with solutions.
Our first stop was the outside bay of the classroom. Well that was our first outside stop the very first stop was in the classroom. We had to first put the Area that we were in underneath the box,
Then we had to search around the area to find a problem in that space. Lucy and I chose this…
There is no where to sit outside when the ground is cold and wet.
We chose this because sometimes the girls like to sit outside and just talk. Although sometimes the ground is wet so there is no where to sit. So we thought that was a problem in the area.
We then continued to go around the school going to area’s like the Breeze, The courts, the Whare Fono The Village and Middle earth. But after all of that walking around we both were thinking that we would like to stick with the idea that there is no where to sit when it is wet outside. We thought that we could come up with a pretty good solution.
After all I really enjoyed going around the school. I got to go around parts of the school that I hadn’t been able to go around that much since I started this year. Anyway, I felt really happy about walking around the school nothing was messed up or in bad condition it all seemed to be in ship shape.
Monday, 1 June 2015
I have enjoyed my weekend very much!
Queens Birthday Weekend. It's raining and sunny I've had a pretty good weekend but on Sunday, what I saw was stunning!
I woke up on Sunday morning it was so cold. My fingers were shaking I tried to keep warm but I only had one blanket and my other blanket had fallen. For some reason I just really wanted to go down stairs. So I wrapped my big duvet blanket around me and almost slid down the stairs on my sister stupid jacket.
I got down stairs and switched on the T.V. I watched What Now for a little bit.
Then my mum and step dad woke up. My step dad told me to get changed because we were going somewhere that day. I was still tired and I didn't really feel like getting up and doing anything that day, but I am so lucky that I did. I quickly got changed my comfy pants because from the hints that my parents were giving me, we were going to be out a while.
First stop:
The place where we went first was Botany. We stopped in for breakfast and straight after Kiwi Yo. At first I didn't really want to eat anything. Then I was feeling a bit peckish and decided that I would have a Big Mac Combo. ( We got to Botany about an hour and half after the breakfast menu. ) When I got my burger I was surprised because usually when I get burgers from Mc Donalds, they're always messy. But this burger was perfectly made and delicious and hot!
Second Stop:
The Kiwi Yo that I then had afterwards was very enjoyable. I had a banana and mango yogurt with cookies jubes, hokey pokey and sherbet. But my mum and step dad had the Kiwi Yo waffles, I tried a little bit but they weren't very... what's the word... Oh yeah tasty. They tasted burnt and over cooked, my one was scrumptious.
Now we are on our way!!!
We made our way back to the car and headed off towards Howick. I just gazed around at the ocean views and fancy houses.
As we kept on driving I had my earphones in and just had my eyes closed listening to the relaxing music. When I opened my eyes we were driving around farmland. It was so amazing! The hills and great green grass, it was definitely something that you wouldn't see in the city. The sites were just breath taking. ( Well for me it was. ) The hills were beautiful with all the farm animals running around it was so cool to see.
Ha there was this part of the drive when we sped past a large paddock of sheep. We saw them up a head but we didn't realize that we were so close to them. Then when we drove past they fled like byson running away from wolves!
My step dad said that he had heard that Clevedon had really good tasting oysters. I'm not a big fan of seafood but he is. He said he could eat seafood everyday. So we stopped in at the Clevedon Oyster Farm and got him 2 dozen oysters. ( 2 Dozen: 24 )
Next we headed to Kawakawa Bay. Kawakawa Bay is just further ahead from Clevedon. There were barley any shops around by Kawakawa, there was only a dairy, a tire repair place and cafe. I asked my mum
" Where would they go shopping? " She said the dairy that was by the beach. Although if the members of that community wanted to do a good shop the closest place that they could go was Manukau! Which was probably about an half an hour drive or longer.
We then made our way back home to Auckland. On our way home I nodded off to sleep. Until we hit a bump in the road and I then woke up. My mum, step dad and I had a pretty awesome day, there was so much to see out the country side. All of the beautiful hills and paddocks, it was just so amazing! One day you should go for a drive out to the country side you'll be blown away by the views.
I woke up on Sunday morning it was so cold. My fingers were shaking I tried to keep warm but I only had one blanket and my other blanket had fallen. For some reason I just really wanted to go down stairs. So I wrapped my big duvet blanket around me and almost slid down the stairs on my sister stupid jacket.
I got down stairs and switched on the T.V. I watched What Now for a little bit.
Then my mum and step dad woke up. My step dad told me to get changed because we were going somewhere that day. I was still tired and I didn't really feel like getting up and doing anything that day, but I am so lucky that I did. I quickly got changed my comfy pants because from the hints that my parents were giving me, we were going to be out a while.
First stop:
The place where we went first was Botany. We stopped in for breakfast and straight after Kiwi Yo. At first I didn't really want to eat anything. Then I was feeling a bit peckish and decided that I would have a Big Mac Combo. ( We got to Botany about an hour and half after the breakfast menu. ) When I got my burger I was surprised because usually when I get burgers from Mc Donalds, they're always messy. But this burger was perfectly made and delicious and hot!
Second Stop:
The Kiwi Yo that I then had afterwards was very enjoyable. I had a banana and mango yogurt with cookies jubes, hokey pokey and sherbet. But my mum and step dad had the Kiwi Yo waffles, I tried a little bit but they weren't very... what's the word... Oh yeah tasty. They tasted burnt and over cooked, my one was scrumptious.
Now we are on our way!!!
We made our way back to the car and headed off towards Howick. I just gazed around at the ocean views and fancy houses.
As we kept on driving I had my earphones in and just had my eyes closed listening to the relaxing music. When I opened my eyes we were driving around farmland. It was so amazing! The hills and great green grass, it was definitely something that you wouldn't see in the city. The sites were just breath taking. ( Well for me it was. ) The hills were beautiful with all the farm animals running around it was so cool to see.
Ha there was this part of the drive when we sped past a large paddock of sheep. We saw them up a head but we didn't realize that we were so close to them. Then when we drove past they fled like byson running away from wolves!
My step dad said that he had heard that Clevedon had really good tasting oysters. I'm not a big fan of seafood but he is. He said he could eat seafood everyday. So we stopped in at the Clevedon Oyster Farm and got him 2 dozen oysters. ( 2 Dozen: 24 )
Next we headed to Kawakawa Bay. Kawakawa Bay is just further ahead from Clevedon. There were barley any shops around by Kawakawa, there was only a dairy, a tire repair place and cafe. I asked my mum
" Where would they go shopping? " She said the dairy that was by the beach. Although if the members of that community wanted to do a good shop the closest place that they could go was Manukau! Which was probably about an half an hour drive or longer.
We then made our way back home to Auckland. On our way home I nodded off to sleep. Until we hit a bump in the road and I then woke up. My mum, step dad and I had a pretty awesome day, there was so much to see out the country side. All of the beautiful hills and paddocks, it was just so amazing! One day you should go for a drive out to the country side you'll be blown away by the views.
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