An action packed day awaited. It was around a year ago at Megazone in Sylvia Park. My best friend Kate had her birthday party, and invited a few of her friends from class, which were my friends as well so there was no awkwardness going on. Lasertag, dodgems and the laser web were activities that we had the opportunity to do.
I was the first one to arrive. I felt kind of weird that I wasn’t even the birthday girl and I was the first one there. Standing near the timezone holding baby blue coloured box with a large sign saying happy birthday was pretty weird. Talk about sticking out like a sore thumb. I felt as if people were staring at me, I discreetly looked down on my shirt to see if I had spilt anything on it.
My Aunty grinned. I leaned onto her shoulder and frowned. Then I was SHAVED!
“Alexis, over here!” It was Rebecca. She was another girl in my class. She leaped over towards me like a frog, and asked where Kate was. In a sarcastic voice I said, Oh yeah she’s here, hence the reason why I’m standing in the doorway with my present waiting in the cold. She gave me a confused look she looked at the present and giggled.
My Aunty gave me money to buy tokens to play some games. Rebecca and I were going hard out on a motorbike game until a nerd walked up to us and ask if he could go next... Wait a minute, I looked over at him it was DOMINIC! He was another one of my good friends. We told him that Kate wasn’t there yet and he laughed. We continue playing games as more guests come. But no Kate!
She finally arrives, a few hugs and chats then we get straight to it.
Our first stop was the dodgems, speeding around that track was awesome fun. Dominic was in the front of all the girls, and since he was the only boy there… We decided to chase him! Twisting swerving around the barriers we keep on crashing into him. His cart stops working we laughed but kept ramming into him.
We finish the dodgems and move straight into lasertag. It was fun but not as fun as making Dominic scream by ramming into him.
Puffed out we all pushed each other up the ramp to go back to the party room for a piece of mouth watering chocolate cake. Everyone could tell that the chocolate used in the cake was the Whittaker's Dairy Milk. Creamy goodness.
With chocolate all over her mouth and hands Kate’s mum puts all of the presents on the table in front of her. Her face lights up. Like a fox she ripped apart the wrapping paper, it went flying everywhere.
Each box came with a card.
Now I think this was the funniest thing that happened all day. All three of us burst out in laughter. She opens my present, and at that same time Dominic Jamie and I said “Oh you’re opening my present” With a confused look on all our faces we laugh. That’s when we find out that all three of us got her the exact same card, from the exact same shop! Smiles and giggles come from all around the room, giggles even come from Dominic.
Our last activity is the laser web I was tired so I stayed in the party room with Dominic. We thought we’d be kind friends for a change and tidy up the room for Kate and her parents. We did a pretty spectacular job with the cleaning.
Once everyone has come back from the laser web we started packing our things to get ready to go home. As always my mum was the first parent there right on time. Note, that was not a good thing.
But after all I enjoyed the day and Kate also said she loved my present that I got her. It was the best present that she got. Those were her words not mine. I bought her a monster high doll. She loved it.
I hugged her goodbye and danced my way out the door. As soon as I toke that step out the door I started blabbing on to my mum about the amazing day I had. Now I think I’m going to have my birthday at Megazone because I had such a fabulous time!