Hmm what could anyone expect from looking at a piece of cardboard with eye holes? Not much? Well actually a whole other world! Yesterday morning the year 7's had a Google Expedition. There were 2 men who came in with mini cardboard boxes that look like glasses for us all to have a look at.
Group 1 had the chance to go in the street first to have a look. From all of their cheerful laughing and screaming you could tell they were having a blast looking around in a different world.
My group will be going in next... I THOUGHT! But no my group was the last group to play around with the Google Cardboard.
Earlier on this year the extension group had the chance to go to Hobsinville Primary School to try out gadgets from heaps of different schools. So I already had the opportunity to test it out. I already knew what to expect. But this time it was a whole other experience, around the WORLD!Arriving in the street acting pretty calm, because I already knew what to expect. (Whisper voice) When really on the inside I was bouncing around like a kangaroo. My heart was smiling and my stomach was tickling. I managed to keep a straight face.
Filled with joy I took a seat on the floor, eager to get my hands on one of those Google Cardboards.
This experience was completely different to the experience that I had at Hobsinville. All we did there was go on roller coasters and go through animated jungles. But this time the jungles weren't animated. Does that give you a hint of what we may have done? If you don't, I'll tell you. This time we traveled... All around the world!
First destination, the Borneo rainforest standing next the one and only David Attenborough. Well ok he wasn't moving or talking to us but it was pretty amazing being able to see him up close in... Picture.
Other amazing destinations that we experienced were.
- Dubai: The Burj Khalifa: 143rd floor of the tallest building in the world.
- France: Palace of Versailles. The Hall of Mirrors. Louis Xlll bedroom
-Rome: Pantheon, built by Roman Emperor 188AD, it was a temple that was used to worship different gods. It became a Christian place of worship.
All I was thinking through out the tour is that. Hmm this would be good if you couldn't afford to go anywhere on holiday. Other things that I was thinking about was how much would just the card board cost. Probably a bit of money, or maybe not. I was just wondering because the card board had proper lenses.
After all of that travelling it was time to put the Google Cardboard away. Giving the men that brought in the Google Cardboard a big thank you. I walked away with a big smile on my face and a pounding headache that affected me for the rest of the day. Google Cardboard... You should check it out!
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